Tag Archives: perspective


Day 14 – HUMILITY: Making mistakes is part of learning and growing. Freely acknowledge at least one mistake you make today, and reflect for a couple of minutes on what you have learned.

I took a few weeks off from contributing to the SNV project because I got sidetracked with other blog entries…guess that’s the ADD in me. Anyway, my approach to completing this project has shifted and the new plan to allow for the flexibility of going with the flow of life and what speaks to me; therefore, I will contribute to this series when my inner being moves me to do so.

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Marriam Webster Dictionary defines hu·mil·i·ty as “the quality or state of not thinking you are better than other people; the quality or state of being humble”.

When John Travolta mispronounced or changed Idina Menzel’s name to Adele Dazeem in front of millions of people worldwide, I didn’t think much of it because, to be honest, I didn’t know who he was talking about. Well, the audience and Ms. Menzel’s fans jumped on the fumble and the video snippet went viral in matter of minuets.

Admired for his good looks, blockbuster movies, and generally being a nice guy (as stated by people who know him), John’s response to the media storm after the event increased this writer’s respect for him. Mr. Travolta did not show anger with the media for blowing the whole thing out of proportion, instead he released a statement shared with the public:

“I’ve been beating myself up all day. Then I thought…what would Idina Menzel say? She’d say, “Let it go, let it go!” Idina is incredibly talented and I am so happy Frozen took home two Oscars Sunday night!”

“It is unwise to be too sure of one’s own wisdom. It is healthy to be reminded that the strongest might weaken and the wisest might err.” – Mahatma Gandhi

Yes, I am a fan of Mr. Travolta, not because of his movies or his acting, or even his good looks. I’m a fan because the thing that shines brightly during his interviews is his humbleness. This legendary movie star does not put on airs and seems to genuinely enjoy and appreciate his fans. Additionally, reading about the death of his son in a heartfelt article, he also seems to be a caring and loving husband and father.

The Oscar blunder could have gone sideways. He could have blamed  error on whoever wrote the cue cards/teleprompter, he could have blamed in on his eye contacts being blurry. Indeed, the blame could have been directed in many directions but he was man enough to acknowledge his slip –  “I’ve been beating myself up” over the misstep.

Furthermore, to his point, all he needed to do was “let it go” because we’ve all made blunders (some more public than others) and had to learn to move beyond it in order to maintain our sanity. It happens.

It seems to me that he was more concerned with Ms.  Menzel’s reaction (after all she was the inadvertent object of his gaff) than how he was perceived by the public. He also seemed genuinely happy that the movie Frozen was awarded two Oscars of which the theme song was sang by Ms. Menzel. He did not turn the situation into a pity party or made it all about him. That’s Humility in action.

Humility: google images
Humility: google images

Mother Teresa shares with us a few ways to practice humility:
To speak as little as possible of one’s self.
To mind one’s own business.
Not to want to manage other people’s affairs.
To accept contradictions and correction cheerfully.
To pass over the mistakes of others.
To accept insults and injuries.
To accept being slighted, forgotten, and disliked.
To be kind and gentle even under provocation.
Never to stand on one’s dignity.
By Mother Teresa, The joy in Loving: A Guide to Daily Living

Season for Nonviolence: http://www.agnt.org/season-for-nonviolence

Next Entry: REVERENCE – enjoy the beauty around, above and below you.

This I Do Believe – Not Believe

 Daily Prompt: Tell us three things that you believe in your heart to be true. Tell us three things you believe in your heart to be false.


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  • I believe that everyone wants to know that they are valued and loved.
  • I believe the American education system should be available to all and free to all. Young adults should not be saddled with enormous debt just to get a degree to be employable.
  •  I believe every abuser should have a moment (many moments)  where they feel the pain, demoralization, confusion, etc. that their victim feels.

Don’t Believe:

I Don't Believe: google images
I Don’t Believe: google images
  • I never believed (even as a child) in those childhood lies told by adults, such as: the existence of Santa Clause, Fairy Godmother, Tooth Fairy, Easer Bunny, Prince in Shining Armor, and Bible Stories. These figures never made sense to me, so I didn’t buy into their (parents) imagination.
  •  I don’t believe corporations should be given huge tax breaks on their huge profits when the working poor and people living below the poverty line go without.
  •  I don’t believe that people living in this great United States of America should have to go without basic health care, so I don’t understand why the conservative party is so up in arms when it comes to helping those who cannot afford to pay for healthcare.

Daily Prompt: http://dailypost.wordpress.com/2014/03/16/daily-prompt-i-believe/

Hiking or Talking….One Has To Go!

Member of Club Introvert

The introvert in me strikes again.

A few weeks ago I signed up for a Women Professionals group hike scheduled for March 15th,  duration of 2-4hours. I’ve done this type of group activity before in other locations where I’ve lived, so I was excited to see it offered here in my new home city. My experience for this activity has been that we first focus on the mountainous hike and then gather afterwards for getting-to-know-you talks.

I enjoy outdoors activities, so I thought this would satisfy two needs: exercise without the pressure to talk during the hike and meet new people, especially women of like mind.

A few days ago an updated notice was posted informing us that the hiking trail had changed…no problem.  Reading the comments, I find out that the new location is better than the originally planned trail, it has pretty flat walking surface, and great for people of all physical capabilities. Me not familiar with the area appreciated this information.

As I read more comments I notice this question from a participant: “How rigorous is the hike? Used to be in shape but have been working too much lately.” The organizer’s response: “I’ve learned that this group of ladies like to talk. So, we mostly stroll.” Another participant chimes in with excitement: “I’ll be there! I’ll be awake! and Ready to walk and talk!” Just reading her response wore me out.

Talk while we stroll for 2-4hrs? Really?

The athlete in me was looking forward to a rigorous “hike”, not a stroll. For me, a flat surface is not the best for a hike. I prefer mountain trails and yes, where I live there are plenty of mountainous terrains for miles, hence my excitement to hike up/down a mountain. I even had my hiking gear (boots, cap, shades, water bottle, backpack) ready for the hike…not a stroll. Ok, so my thinking was not in line with a stroll, but not a deal breaker, I can adjust. I can overcome the flat surface issue by speed walking to get my heart rate up.

Hiking: google images
Hiking: google images

On the flip side, the introvert in me was stumped at the thought of having to track on conversations for 2-4 hours. How exhausting. This definitely was a deal breaker.

I had to pass on this hike-stroll.

As I said, I can adjust. My new plan for my Saturday is to spend the afternoon sitting in the sun reading The Cuckoo’s Calling by Robert Galbraith (aka J. K. Rowling), then dining with my daughter in the evening hours. Now, that’s what I call an energy boosting Saturday.


Dear Extroverts – I hope you find something exciting to do that fits your energy level. Dear Introverts – I hope you find some quiet time/place to recharge your battery as you go through your day. Happy Saturday Everyone!

Info on Club Introvert can be found at: http://61musings.com/club-introvert/